Mariana's Sushi-CODE-Round

Name: QIAN Wenjing, Course: COM5961

Assignment #5

Usability Test

For the usability test, eight small tasks representing the key steps involved in the whole experience of using the site were introduced. The details of them are as follows:

(1) 查看最近发售的碟
(2) 从所有商品中筛选出“专辑”
(3) 查看SixTONES新单信息
(4) 比较该单曲各平台价格
(5) 查看拼邮相关信息
(6) 向发帖人发送私信
(7) 发布一条拼邮帖子
(8) 查看私信列表

When users were asked to complete each task, their behaviors and facial expressions would be observed. Points of special attention included: the route they chose (e.g. which section to go and which button to click) ; special reactions such as confusion and hesitation.

Also, to examine their will to register and upgrade to premium membership, I also paid attention to how they react to the pop-up window that asked them to be a member, checking out whether they questioned on such features or expressed impatience.

At the end of the test, I also asked the volunteers to give some feedback on their overall experience and possible suggestions for further improvements.

(the usability test results are recorded in the format shown in the second picture attached to the left of the page)

A/B Test

For the A/B test, I made my adjustment basically on the navigation bar. When I was designing my navigation bar, what I initially put right behind “首页” was “关于小站” instead of “新碟发售” and “拼邮专区” which I was a bit unsure whether it would affect the chances for users to click on the other two columns to visit the core functions and be led to sign up to my site. So for the B version, I changed the order of the three columns, trying to find out whether it would make any difference.

However, the 2-day period of test turned out that the original actually performed better (see the third image on the left) which made me decided to keep the previous design. One thing worth mentioning is that, some volunteers that I shared the link with reported that they were a bit confused because some of the functions were still fake at the moment. Such confusion and impatience caused by unfinished functions may also affect their user experience.

- For more details, plz go to my journal (click here)
- Visit JwotaBuys(夹泥搬砖小站)on PythonAnywhere (click here)
