Mariana's Sushi-CODE-Round

Name: QIAN Wenjing, Course: COM5961

Assignment #4 Design and Usability Test

To have a quick recap, the problem statement I defined for my site in Assignment#3 is: How might we make Chinese Johnny’s fans address the problem of choosing ideal shopping site and form shared-shipping groups to achieve the goal of lower cost and more convenience in overseas album shopping?

Based on such problem, my site "夾泥搬磚小站“ will mainly focus on share-shipping group forming and multi-site price comparison which correspond with #2 and #3 of the following journey:

1) Information acquisition (about the release of new singles/albums) 2) Platform Selection (which shopping site to buy the albums) 3) Group-forming (seeking leaders/participants) 4) Purchase 5) Shipment

The solution that my site is trying to provide aims at:

1) Helping Jwotas quickly find out the price gap between different sites and make wiser purchase decisions;

2) Helping Jwotas get connected with each other to form shared-shipping groups more easily, with no need to visit various different site to search for related posts any more.

A usability test will also be conducted to check out potential users' attitude towards the existing design of the site and to examine their will to pay for the service and join the premium membership (which is also the monetization plan for the site).

To learn more, plz visit my journal (click here)
